Friday, July 28, 2006

Surprise surprise

Oh my god, the Tour De France winner seems to have dropped some illicit substances.
What a fucking surprise!!!
Let's put on some real Darwinism here and let the riders drug themselves and push the limits of humankind. And whilst they are at it - can they please send some performance enhancing drugs to the southern hemisphere so we can make it through the direct broadcasts.
'Ever felt like you have been cheated' as the great John Lydon put it.

By the way the pic is from back in the day when doping checks were unheard of and Sweden produced one of the best cyklist ever. Tommy Prim is up there amongst the greats.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Its hockey a la Hanson

Possibly the worlds best punk rock side project (even better than their main act NoMeansNo). Hockey Night Tonight anyone?

Hey ho let's go

Inspired by my mate its about time to fire off the Zunkador blog. So here we go...
This is me at home with unnamed pet who unfortunatly isn't with us anymore.